Day 6: Tarmac tightrope & damp ditch of doom

Good evening Janathoners!

Forgive the dramatic title of today’s blog, but I felt like if that was a movie- I played the starring role this afternoon!

Determined to do a big distance today, I set out on a previously unexplored route out of town aiming for a 7 mile out and back. 😎

I left the house with 2 hours of daylight remaining, figuring I’d be back before sun down. Which was just as well since the A141 has no lamp posts whatsoever. I’m glad I didn’t have to rely on passing car headlights since there was no path at all either! 😡

I ran on a tarmac tightrope between 6-12 inches between the white line marking the edge of the road and the actual edge of the road- in to a ditch.

Occasionally I would have to jump in the grass when a lorry passed by. Not good for your ankles 😫

After 5 miles I turned around to get back to civilisation before dark. For the record now and for all time- this is not a runner friendly road and I will not be using it again!

The only reason I ventured in that direction was to give my knees a break from the multiple hills out towards alconbury (my usual long distance jaunt).

So instead of aching knees both my feet now hurt, centre of my left foot and ankle and my middle toe on the right foot aren’t happy 😟

I made it back in one piece though – and I did the distance! 😁

Now to relax and hope I don’t wake up tomorrow feeling like I really did get hit by a lorry 😳

Nearly a week down already, wahoo! 

Ciao for now!

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